MHC at The Enhanced Communication on Progress Training by the Global Compact Network Kenya.

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As a United Nations Global Compact member, Moto Hope Capital advances the Sustainable Development Goals and the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. To this end, last Tuesday (30th April 2024), we attended the Enhanced Communication on Progress(CoP) training facilitated by the Global Compact Network Kenya (GCNK).

Represented by our Communications Coordinator, Ms. Verarita Wananyanga, we went through a comprehensive coverage of the UN Global Compact Background, an overview of the new CoP, the value proposition, and the new CoP in the reporting landscape.

We dove deep into reporting on the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in Human Rights, Labour, Environment, Anti-corruption, and Governance.

This remarkable learning opportunity also served as a great networking forum with other UN Global Compact participants in Kenya.

The enhanced CoP will enable us to measure and demonstrate our progress on the Ten Principles and SDGs in a consistent and harmonized way, build credibility and brand value, receive insights, learn and continuously improve performance as well as compare our performance against peers through one of the largest sources of free, public and comparable corporate sustainability data.

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