MHC In Istanbul, Turkey for the 2nd & 3rd PrivABoo SME Core Group In-person workshop by GIZ.

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Last week, we were at the 2nd & 3rd PrivABoo SME Core Group In-person workshop, in Istanbul, Turkey!

The workshop – hosted by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH – main objective was to build the capacity of Adaptation SMEs, like Moto Hope Capital, on how to effectively measure and communicate their climate adaptation actions and impacts.

Represented by our Credit Manager, Mr. Peter Njoroge, and our Communications Coordinator, Ms. Verarita Wananyanga, we joined other participating adaptation SMEs from Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria, and Pakistan!

Day 1 Learning areas/works/presentations:
– Impact Measurement and non-financial metrics
– Adaptation Impact Measurement for Companies
– SMEs Theory of Change Development

We shared the various approaches, successes, and challenges related to measuring our adaptation impacts, and delved deeper into why we exist and where we want to go as Moto Hope Capital.

Day 1 was a great affirmation of our impacts in the climate-vulnerable communities that we serve, smallholder farmers, and SMEs in the adaptation space.

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